Our Courses: Personalized Training

Private Instruction

Investment: €150/hour (per person)

Location: In-person or virtual

Delve into the realm of physical penetration testing with our personalized training sessions.

Perfectly tailored those looking to launch their journey into Black Teaming or to enhance their existing knowledge base, our program provides a rich blend of foundational concepts and advanced techniques. For those transitioning from spheres like cyber penetration testing, our consultations offers a seamless integration, bridging theoretical constructs with tangible real-world applications.

Recognizing the value of focused learning, our training emphasizes individualized attention. Whether you're an individual seeking a deep dive or part of a small group aiming for interactive discussions, our format ensures each participant benefits from undivided instructor attention and a learning experience that's both enriching and adaptive. Engage, inquire, and master the nuances of physical penetration testing in this personalized training environment.

What You’ll Learn

Answers to Students' Questions
Fundamentals of Physical Penetration Testing
Advanced Techniques
Real-world Scenarios
Tool Mastery
Ethical Guidelines
Effective Reporting
Risk Assessment & Mitigation
Personalized Feedback
Interactive Q&A
Team Dynamics in Black Teaming

Book Your One-On-One Training Session Today

Prices listed are per person. Under ‘Quantity’ please select the number of participants in the training session.

Private Instruction - One Hour
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Private Instruction - Three Hours
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Private Instruction - Five Hours
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"The world of physical pentesting felt like uncharted territory despite my years in cyber. Thanks to this private training, I've not only gained new skills but have been able to transition my cyber knowledge into real physical security engagements."

— Lukas Müller, red team member