Our Courses: Cyber Skills

Cyber Bootcamp for Black Teams (2 days)

Investment: €1,000

Location: In-person or virtual

This rigorous two-day course is designed explicitly for physical penetration testers who need vital cyber skills to add to their toolbox. 

After entering a target building, it’s important to know how to use tools like plantable devices, bugs, key loggers, and man-in-the-middle devices to effectively gather data and maintain presence all while not being discovered.

Participants will learn network and wireless penetration testing, including how to scout for information, exploit weaknesses, and access systems without authorization. The course also covers practical techniques such as alarm bypassing to avoid detection by security systems, and provides an introduction to RFID cloning and card reader attacks for manipulating access controls.

The course wraps up with hands-on simulations that challenge you to use both cyber and physical skills effectively. By the end of the course, participants will be better equipped to handle both cyber and physical security challenges and understand how to combine these skills for more comprehensive security assessments.

What You’ll Learn

Network penetration testing
Wireless penetration testing
Avoiding network based detection
Stealing credentials
Identifying vulnerabilities on the network
Identifying and bypassing alarm systems
Cloning RFID badges
Performing RFID reader attacks
Performing RFID downgrade attacks
Plantable bugs and devices
Exfiltrating data while avoiding detection
Abusing surveillance cameras
Abusing wireless access points

Certify your Cyber Skills

After completing the two-day course, students have demonstrated their ability to adeptly use tools such as plantable devices and key loggers for discreet data collection.

They’ve also exhibited skills in network and wireless penetration testing, including reconnaissance and vulnerability exploitation. Additionally, they've shown competence in bypassing alarms and manipulating access controls via RFID cloning. Through hands-on simulations, students have successfully integrated and applied both cyber and physical skills for comprehensive security assessments.

“The cyber security skills course was outstanding. Brian had real-world experience, which added significant value. The hands-on exercises, especially in RFID cloning and attacks, were fantastic. It’s rare to find a course that effectively bridges the gap between cyber and physical security – this one nails it!"

— Amanda R., Security Consultant