Our Courses: Elicitation

Our next ETT course will occur virtually September 14-15, 2024.

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Elicitation Toolbox Course (2 days)

Investment: €2,000

Location: In-person or virtual

The Elicitation Toolbox Training (ETT) course is a comprehensive training program that primarily focuses on elicitation as a critical aspect of social engineering. Participants learn to adeptly extract information through subtle questioning, rapport-building, and non-verbal cues.

While the course encompasses the broader psychological principles and tactics of social engineering, it delves deeply into the methods and applications of elicitation in both digital and physical environments. Ethical implications are emphasized, and attendees are equipped with strategies for employing elicitation responsibly, as well as defending against malicious attempts. Ideal for cybersecurity professionals, business leaders, and anyone engaged in information-sensitive roles, this course offers a specialized lens into the nuanced art of elicitation within social engineering.

What You’ll Learn

Establishing rapport and trust
Reading and utilizing non-verbal cues
Active listening and feedback
Ethical considerations and legal boundaries
Diverting and pivoting conversations
Elicitation tecniques
Reading body language
Elicitation practical examples
Practical exercises and role-playing scenarios
Elicitation in diverse cultural contexts
Elicitation applications
Counter-elicitation: detecting and defending against elicitation attempts
Elicitation in negotiation and conflict resolution
Social engineering methods

Earn Your Elicitation Certificate

Students who have successfully completed the Elicitation Toolbox Training course and earned their certification have demonstrated comprehensive skill sets in evaluating and exploiting communication strategies for information gathering.

Holders of the ETT certification have conducted a successful Elicitation engagement where they demonstrated experience in utilizing elicitation and social engineering techniques to encourage information sharing in a hands on exercise. They are well-versed in rapport-building techniques, including mirroring and active listening, understand non-verbal cues and possess techniques to glean insights from spoken responses.

“As a journalist, getting information from sources is critical. The Elicitation Toolbox course taught me how to ask the right questions and build rapport with my interviewees. My ability to get deeper insights and more meaningful stories has greatly improved. This course is a must for anyone in a profession that involves interviewing or information gathering."

— Mark Dawson, investigative journalist