Our Services: Build A Black Team

Build A Black Team

Let us help you establish a top-tier black team

Unlock the full potential of your company's security capabilities with our Build A Black Team service. Designed for businesses seeking to enhance their physical security and penetration testing prowess, this comprehensive program covers all essential aspects to establish a top-tier black team.

Our Build A Black Team service includes:

  • Expert Recruitment: Assistance in identifying existing employees and/or hiring skilled professionals suited for high-stakes security roles.

  • Advanced Training: Equip your team with cutting-edge techniques in physical security and pentesting through hands-on, scenario-based training sessions.

  • Sales Training: Empower your sales department to effectively market and sell physical security engagements, ensuring they understand the technicalities and value propositions.

  • Continued Guidance: Whether you require further training for your team, assistance with specific sales strategies, help in addressing operational challenges, or general advice to ensure continued success in physical security and pentesting, we are available to support your company every step of the way.

Let Covert Access Team fortify your organization's defenses with the industry's best practices and expert guidance. Secure your future with a team that's trained to be resilient and vigilant in the face of physical security challenges.

How It Works

Our black team building service is meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of your company.

Each phase of the program is customizable, ensuring that your black team aligns perfectly with your specific goals and operational requirements. This tailored approach allows us to adapt our methods to fit the unique needs of your organization, guaranteeing that the training and development processes are highly relevant and effective.

Phase 1:
Identify and Hire

Flexible timeline

Our first step is to identify current employees who possess the aptitude or interest in developing black team skills. If your team lacks these individuals, we provide expert assistance in hiring prospective candidates who exhibit the necessary qualities and potential for success in this specialized field.

Phase 2:
Black Team Training

Approx. two weeks

Once the team is in place, we deliver comprehensive training to equip them with the skills needed to conduct physical security audits and covert engagements. This includes hands-on, scenario-based learning to ensure they are proficient in real-world situations, covering everything from planning and execution to reporting and remediation.

Phase 3:
Sales Training

Approx. one week

The next phase focuses on your sales team, empowering them with the knowledge and strategies to effectively market and sell physical security audits and engagements. We teach them how to communicate the value, navigate objections, and close deals, ensuring they can articulate the benefits of these services to potential clients confidently.

Phase 4:
Continuing Consultation

Flexible timeline

Our commitment to your success doesn't end with training. We offer ongoing consultation to assist with any challenges that arise in selling and delivering physical security services. Whether you need further training, help with specific sales strategies, or general advice, our experts are available to ensure your company continues to thrive in providing top-notch security engagements and audits.

Certify Your New Black Team

The training portion of our Build A Black Team service includes the following courses and their corresponding certifications:

  • Covert Access Training Course: This course provides in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in covert operations, equipping your team with the skills needed to conduct stealthy and effective security engagements.

  • Physical Audit Certification Training: This certification focuses on the methodologies and techniques required to perform thorough and accurate physical security audits. Your team will learn to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and recommend actionable improvements.

  • Elicitation Toolbox Training Course: This course teaches advanced elicitation techniques, enabling your team to gather critical information discreetly and effectively during security engagements.

By completing these courses, your team will not only be proficient in their roles but also formally recognized as experts in physical security and pentesting, adding significant value to your company's service offerings.

Through our Build A Black Team service, your team will gain valuable certifications that will enhance their skills and credibility in the field of physical security and pentesting.

“As a police officer, the Covert Access Training has been very useful for my day-to-day operations. The ability to gain entry into buildings swiftly, without resorting to force or causing damage, is invaluable. This training has equipped me with an array of non-destructive techniques that not only uphold the integrity of properties but also maximize operational efficiency. It's gratifying to know that I can ensure safety and security in a more discreet and respectful manner. Highly recommended for fellow officers who want to augment their skillset.”

— Peter, former student