Let Us Help You Build A Black Team

Unlock the potential of your company's security capabilities with our Build A Black Team service.

Bridge the gap between cyber and physical security.

Adversaries don’t stop with cyber attacks. Neither should you.

And neither do we.

See Our Courses

It's difficult to find a company today that would say, "I don't know what a cyber pentest is, we've never done one, and I don't see the value since we have firewalls and antivirus."

However, many companies would likely say, "I don't know what a physical pentest is, we've never done one, and I don't see the value since we have alarms and locks."

If you have holes in your physical security, you have no cyber security.

Learn more about our approach to security and our expertise.

Upcoming Courses

Besides our regular program, we can schedule additional courses for groups.

Covert Access Training

August 5-9, 2024 | Copenhagen

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Counter-Elicitation Techniques Training

Upcoming dates to be announced

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Elicitation Toolbox Training

September 14-15, 2024 | Virtual

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Physical Audit Certification

November 23-24 | Virtual

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Cyber Bootcamp for Black Teams

Upcoming dates to be announced

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Private Instruction

Upon request

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